Source code for kona.algorithms.composite_step_rsnk

import numpy as np

from kona.options import get_opt
from kona.linalg.common import current_solution, factor_linear_system, objective_value
from kona.linalg.vectors.composite import ReducedKKTVector
from kona.linalg.matrices.common import dCdX, dCdU, dRdX, dRdU
from kona.linalg.matrices.hessian import AugmentedKKTMatrix, LagrangianHessian
from kona.linalg.solvers.util import EPS
from kona.algorithms.base_algorithm import OptimizationAlgorithm

[docs]class CompositeStepRSNK(OptimizationAlgorithm): """ A reduced-space composite-step optimization algorithm for PDE-governed equality constrained problems, globalized using a trust-region approach. This implementation is based on the composite-step algorithm proposed by `Heinkenschloss and Ridzal<>`_. However, we have omitted the inexactness corrections for simplicity and implemented a 2nd order adjoint approach for producing the necessary matrix-vector products. Attributes ---------- factor_matrices : bool Boolean flag for matrix-based PDE solvers. radius, min_radius, max_radius : float Trust radius parameters. mu, mu_max, mu_pow : float Augmented Lagrangian constraint factor parameters. normal_KKT : :class:`~kona.linalg.matrices.hessian.AugmentedKKTMatrix` Matrix object for the normal step system. tangent_KKT : :class:`~kona.linalg.matrices.hessian.LagrangianHessian` Matrix object for the tangent step system. globalization : string Flag to determine solution globalization type. """ def __init__(self, primal_factory, state_factory, eq_factory, ineq_factory, optns={}): # trigger base class initialization super(CompositeStepRSNK, self).__init__( primal_factory, state_factory, eq_factory, ineq_factory, optns) # number of vectors required in solve() method self.primal_factory.request_num_vectors(9) self.state_factory.request_num_vectors(4) self.dual_factory = self.eq_factory self.dual_factory.request_num_vectors(15) # get general options self.factor_matrices = get_opt(optns, False, 'matrix_explicit') # get trust region options self.radius = get_opt(optns, 0.5, 'trust', 'init_radius') self.min_radius = get_opt(optns, 0.5/(2**3), 'trust', 'min_radius') self.max_radius = get_opt(optns, 0.5*(2**3), 'trust', 'max_radius') # get penalty parameter options = get_opt(optns, 1.0, 'penalty', 'mu_init') self.mu_pow = get_opt(optns, 1e-8, 'penalty', 'mu_pow') self.mu_max = get_opt(optns, 1e4, 'penalty', 'mu_max') # get globalization type self.globalization = get_opt(optns, 'linesearch', 'globalization') if self.globalization not in ['trust', 'linesearch', None]: raise TypeError( 'Invalid globalization type! ' + 'Can only use \'trust\' or \'linesearch\'. ' + 'If you want to skip globalization, set to None.') # initialize the KKT matrix definition normal_optns = get_opt(optns, {}, 'composite-step', 'normal-step') self.normal_KKT = AugmentedKKTMatrix( [self.primal_factory, self.state_factory, self.dual_factory], normal_optns) tangent_optns = get_opt(optns, {}, 'composite-step', 'tangent-step') self.tangent_KKT = LagrangianHessian( [self.primal_factory, self.state_factory, self.dual_factory], tangent_optns) self.tangent_KKT.set_projector(self.normal_KKT) def _write_header(self): self.hist_file.write( '# Kona composite-step convergence history file\n' + '# iters' + ' '*5 + ' cost' + ' '*5 + 'optimality ' + ' '*5 + 'feasibility ' + ' '*5 + 'objective ' + ' '*5 + 'penalty ' + ' '*5 + 'radius ' + '\n' ) def _write_history(self, opt, feas, obj): self.hist_file.write( '%7i'%self.iter + ' '*5 + '%7i'%self.primal_factory._memory.cost + ' '*5 + '%11e'%opt + ' '*5 + '%11e'%feas + ' '*5 + '%11e'%obj + ' '*5 + '%11e' + ' '*5 + '%11e'%self.radius + '\n' ) def _generate_KKT_vector(self): primal = self.primal_factory.generate() dual = self.dual_factory.generate() return ReducedKKTVector(primal, dual) def _generate_all_memory(self): # generate composite KKT vectors self.X = self._generate_KKT_vector() self.P = self._generate_KKT_vector() self.dLdX = self._generate_KKT_vector() self.kkt_work = self._generate_KKT_vector() self.normal_rhs = self._generate_KKT_vector() self.normal_step = self._generate_KKT_vector() self.tangent_rhs = self.primal_factory.generate() self.tangent_step = self.primal_factory.generate() # generate primal vectors self.design_work = self.primal_factory.generate() self.design_save = self.primal_factory.generate() # generate state vectors self.state = self.state_factory.generate() self.state_work = self.state_factory.generate() self.adjoint = self.state_factory.generate() self.adjoint_work = self.state_factory.generate() # generate dual vectors self.dual_work = self.dual_factory.generate()
[docs] def solve(self): self._write_header() self.info_file.write( '\n' + '**************************************************\n' + '*** Using Composite-Step Algorithm ***\n' + '**************************************************\n' + '\n') # generate all the vectors used in the optimization self._generate_all_memory() # do some aliasing X = self.X state = self.state adjoint = self.adjoint dLdX = self.dLdX P = self.P normal_rhs = self.normal_rhs normal_step = self.normal_step tangent_rhs = self.tangent_rhs tangent_step = self.tangent_step design_work = self.design_work dual_work = self.dual_work state_work = self.state_work # initialize basic data for outer iterations converged = False self.iter = 0 # evaluate the initial design before starting outer iterations X.equals_init_guess() if not state.equals_primal_solution(X.primal): raise RuntimeError( 'Invalid initial guess! Nonlinear solution breakdown.') if self.factor_matrices and self.iter < self.max_iter: factor_linear_system(X.primal, state) # perform an adjoint solution for the Lagrangian state_work.equals_objective_partial(X.primal, state) dCdU(X.primal, state).T.product(X.dual, adjoint) state_work.times(-1.) dRdU(X.primal, state).T.solve(state_work, adjoint) # send initial point info to the user solver_info = current_solution(self.iter, X.primal, state, adjoint, X.dual) if isinstance(solver_info, str): self.info_file.write('\n' + solver_info + '\n') # BEGIN NEWTON LOOP HERE ############################### min_radius_active = False krylov_tol = 0.00095 for i in xrange(self.max_iter): # advance iteration counter self.iter += 1 # evaluate optimality, feasibility and KKT norms dLdX.equals_KKT_conditions(X, state, adjoint) # print info on current point self.info_file.write( '==========================================================\n' + 'Beginning Major Iteration %i\n\n'%self.iter) self.info_file.write( 'primal vars = %e\n'%X.primal.norm2) self.info_file.write( 'multipliers = %e\n\n'%X.dual.norm2) if self.iter == 1: # calculate initial norms grad_norm0 = dLdX.primal.norm2 feas_norm0 = max(dLdX.dual.norm2, EPS) kkt_norm0 = np.sqrt(feas_norm0**2 + grad_norm0**2) # set current norms to initial kkt_norm = kkt_norm0 grad_norm = grad_norm0 feas_norm = feas_norm0 # print out convergence norms self.info_file.write( 'grad_norm0 = %e\n'%grad_norm0 + 'feas_norm0 = %e\n'%feas_norm0) # calculate convergence tolerances grad_tol = self.primal_tol * max(grad_norm0, 1e-3) feas_tol = self.cnstr_tol * max(feas_norm0, 1e-3) else: # calculate current norms grad_norm = dLdX.primal.norm2 feas_norm = max(dLdX.dual.norm2, EPS) kkt_norm = np.sqrt(feas_norm**2 + grad_norm**2) # update the augmented Lagrangian penalty self.info_file.write( 'grad_norm = %e (%e <-- tolerance)\n'%( grad_norm, grad_tol) + 'feas_norm = %e (%e <-- tolerance)\n'%( feas_norm, feas_tol)) # write convergence history obj_val = objective_value(X.primal, state) self._write_history(grad_norm, feas_norm, obj_val) # check for convergence if (grad_norm < grad_tol) and (feas_norm < feas_tol): converged = True break # compute krylov tolerances in order to achieve superlinear # convergence but to avoid oversolving self.krylov_tol = \ self.tangent_KKT.krylov.rel_tol * \ min(1.0, np.sqrt(kkt_norm/kkt_norm0)) self.krylov_tol = \ max(krylov_tol, min(grad_tol/grad_norm, feas_tol/feas_norm)) # linearize the normal and tangent matrices at this point self.normal_KKT.linearize(X, state) self.tangent_KKT.linearize(X, state, adjoint) # assemble the RHS vector the Lagrange multiplier solve normal_rhs.primal.equals(dLdX.primal) normal_rhs.dual.equals(0.0) normal_rhs.times(-1.) # solve for the Lagrange multiplier estimates self.normal_KKT.solve(normal_rhs, P, self.krylov_tol) # assemble the RHS vector for the normal-step solve # rhs = [0, 0, -(c-e^s)] normal_rhs.equals(0.0) normal_rhs.dual.equals(dLdX.dual) normal_rhs.dual.times(-1.) # solve for the normal step self.normal_KKT.solve(normal_rhs, normal_step, krylov_tol) # apply a trust radius check to the normal step normal_step_norm = normal_step.primal.norm2 if normal_step_norm > 0.8*self.radius: normal_step.primal.times(0.8*self.radius/normal_step_norm) # set trust radius settings for the tangent step STCG solver self.tangent_KKT.radius = np.sqrt( self.radius**2 - normal_step.primal.norm2**2) # set up the RHS vector for the tangent-step solve # -(W * normal_design + dL/dDesign) self.tangent_KKT.multiply_W( normal_step.primal, tangent_rhs) tangent_rhs.times(-1.) # solve for the tangent step self.tangent_KKT.solve( tangent_rhs, tangent_step, krylov_tol) # assemble the complete step P.primal.equals_ax_p_by(1., normal_step.primal, 1, tangent_step) # calculate predicted decrease in the merit function self.calc_pred_reduction() # apply globalization if self.globalization == 'trust': old_flag = min_radius_active success, min_radius_active = self.trust_step() # watchdog on trust region failures if min_radius_active and old_flag: self.info_file.write( 'Trust radius breakdown! Terminating...\n') break elif self.globalization == 'linesearch': old_flag = min_radius_active success, min_radius_active = self.backtracking_step() # watchdog on trust region failures if min_radius_active and old_flag: self.info_file.write( 'Trust radius breakdown! Terminating...\n') break elif self.globalization is None: # add the full step # solve states at the new step state.equals_primal_solution(X.primal) # if this is a matrix-based problem, tell the solver to factor # some important matrices to be used in the next iteration if self.factor_matrices and self.iter < self.max_iter: factor_linear_system(X.primal, state) # perform an adjoint solution for the Lagrangian state_work.equals_objective_partial(X.primal, state) dCdU(X.primal, state).T.product(X.dual, adjoint) state_work.times(-1.) dRdU(X.primal, state).T.solve(state_work, adjoint) # send current solution info to the user solver_info = current_solution(self.iter, X.primal, state, adjoint, X.dual) if isinstance(solver_info, str): self.info_file.write('\n' + solver_info + '\n') ############################ # END OF NEWTON LOOP self.info_file.write('\n') if converged: self.info_file.write('Optimization successful!\n') else: self.info_file.write('Optimization FAILED!\n') self.info_file.write( 'Total number of nonlinear iterations: %i\n\n'%self.iter)
[docs] def eval_merit(self, design, state, dual, cnstr): return objective_value(design, state) \ + dual.inner(cnstr) \ + 0.5**(cnstr.norm2**2)
[docs] def calc_pred_reduction(self): # calculate predicted decrease in the augmented Lagrangian self.normal_KKT.A.product(self.P.primal, self.dual_work) self.tangent_rhs.minus(self.dLdX.primal) self.tangent_rhs.times(0.5) self.pred_reduction = self.tangent_KKT.pred \ + self.normal_step.primal.inner(self.tangent_rhs) \ + 0.5**self.dLdX.dual.norm2**2 \ - self.P.dual.inner(self.dual_work) \ - 0.5**self.dual_work.norm2**2 # calculate the new penalty parameter if necessary denom = 0.25*(self.dLdX.dual.norm2**2 - self.dual_work.norm2**2) if self.pred_reduction <*denom: += -self.pred_reduction/denom + self.mu_pow self.info_file.write('\n') self.info_file.write(' Mu updated -> %e\n' # recalculate the prediction with new penalty self.pred_reduction = self.tangent_KKT.pred \ + self.normal_step.primal.inner(self.tangent_rhs) \ + 0.5**self.dLdX.dual.norm2**2 \ - self.P.dual.inner(self.dual_work) \ - 0.5**self.dual_work.norm2**2
[docs] def backtracking_step(self): # do some aliasing X = self.X state = self.state P = self.P adjoint = self.adjoint dLdX = self.dLdX design_work = [self.design_work, self.design_save] state_work = self.state_work adjoint_work = self.adjoint_work dual_work = self.dual_work kkt_work = self.kkt_work # compute the merit value at the current step f_init = self.eval_merit( X.primal, state, X.dual, dLdX.dual) # compute the merit function derivative w.r.t. design design_work[0].equals(dLdX.primal) dCdX(X.primal, state).T.product(dLdX.dual, design_work[1]) design_work[1].times( design_work[0].plus(design_work[1]) dCdU(X.primal, state).T.product(dLdX.dual, state_work) state_work.times(-1.) dRdU(X.primal, state).T.solve(state_work, adjoint_work) dRdX(X.primal, state).T.product(adjoint_work, design_work[1]) design_work[1].times( design_work[0].plus(design_work[1]) # compute the directional derivative for the merit function p_dot_grad = design_work[0].inner(P.primal) self.info_file.write('\n') self.info_file.write( ' primal_step = %e\n'%P.primal.norm2 + ' lambda_step = %e\n'%P.dual.norm2 + '\n' + ' p_dot_grad = %e\n'%p_dot_grad) # if p_dot_grad >= 0: # raise ValueError('Search direction is not a descent direction!') # start line search iterations max_iter = 5 iters = 0 min_radius_active = False converged = False decr_cond = 1e-4 rdtn_factor = 0.5 min_alpha = 1e-3 alpha = 1.0 self.info_file.write('\n') while iters <= max_iter: iters += 1 self.info_file.write( 'Back-tracking : iter %i\n'%iters + ' alpha = %f\n'%alpha) # calculate the next step kkt_work.primal.equals_ax_p_by(1., X.primal, alpha, P.primal) kkt_work.dual.equals_ax_p_by(1., X.dual, 1., P.dual) kkt_work.primal.enforce_bounds() # solve for the states if state_work.equals_primal_solution(kkt_work.primal): # evaluate constraints dual_work.equals_constraints(kkt_work.primal, state_work) # calculate the merit function f_next = self.eval_merit( kkt_work.primal, state_work, kkt_work.dual, dual_work) # calculate sufficient decrease f_suff = f_init + decr_cond*alpha*p_dot_grad else: # state solution failed! f_suff = np.nan f_next = np.nan # evaluate step self.info_file.write( ' f_suff = %e\n'%f_suff + ' f_next = %e\n'%f_next) if f_next <= f_suff: self.info_file.write( 'Line search succeeded!\n') converged = True break else: self.info_file.write( ' Bad step! Back-tracking...\n') alpha = max(rdtn_factor*alpha, min_alpha) if alpha == min_alpha: self.info_file.write( 'Minimum step reached! Terminating...\n') break # deal with step acceptance shrink = False if converged: # line search converged, so we accept step X.equals(kkt_work) state.equals(state_work) # if this is a matrix-based problem, tell the solver to # factor some important matrices to be used in the next # iteration if self.factor_matrices and self.iter < self.max_iter: factor_linear_system(X.primal, state) # perform an adjoint solution for the Lagrangian state_work.equals_objective_partial(X.primal, state) dCdU(X.primal, state).T.product(X.dual, adjoint) state_work.times(-1.) dRdU(X.primal, state).T.solve(state_work, adjoint) # flag for trust radius shrinking if alpha < 1: shrink = True else: # line search failed, need to shrink trust radius shrink = True if shrink: # shrink trust radius if self.radius > self.min_radius: self.radius = \ max(alpha*P.primal.norm2, self.min_radius) self.info_file.write( ' Radius shrunk -> %f\n'%self.radius) else: self.info_file.write( ' Reached minimum radius!\n') min_radius_active = True else: # increase trust radius if it was active if self.tangent_KKT.trust_active: self.info_file.write(' Trust radius active...\n') if self.radius < self.max_radius: self.radius = \ min(2.*self.radius, self.max_radius) self.info_file.write( ' Radius increased -> %f\n'%self.radius) else: self.info_file.write( ' Max radius reached!\n') min_radius_active = False self.info_file.write('\n') return converged, min_radius_active
[docs] def trust_step(self): # do some aliasing X = self.X P = self.P state = self.state adjoint = self.adjoint dLdX = self.dLdX dual_work = self.dual_work state_work = self.state_work kkt_work = self.kkt_work tangent_rhs = self.tangent_rhs tangent_step = self.tangent_step normal_step = self.normal_step # compute the merit value at the current step merit_init = self.eval_merit(X.primal, state, X.dual, dLdX.dual) # start trust region loop max_iter = 5 iters = 0 min_radius_active = False converged = False self.info_file.write('\n') while iters <= max_iter: iters += 1 # save current point kkt_work.equals(X) # get the new design point X.primal.enforce_bounds() # solve states at the new step if state_work.equals_primal_solution(X.primal): # evaluate the constraint terms at the new step dual_work.equals_constraints(X.primal, state_work) # compute the merit value at the new step merit_next = self.eval_merit(X.primal, state_work, X.dual, dual_work) # evaluate the quality of the FLECS model rho = (merit_init - merit_next)/self.pred_reduction else: merit_next = np.nan rho = np.nan # reset step back X.equals(kkt_work) self.info_file.write( 'Trust Region Step : iter %i\n'%iters + ' primal_step = %e\n'%P.primal.norm2 + ' lambda_step = %e\n'%P.dual.norm2 + '\n' + ' merit_init = %e\n'%merit_init + ' merit_next = %e\n'%merit_next + ' pred = %e\n'%self.pred_reduction + ' rho = %e\n'%rho) # modify radius based on model quality if rho <= 0.01 or np.isnan(rho): # model is bad! -- shrink radius and re-solve self.radius = max(0.5*P.primal.norm2, self.min_radius) if self.radius == self.min_radius: self.info_file.write( ' Reached minimum radius! ' + 'Exiting globalization...\n') min_radius_active = True break else: self.info_file.write( ' Re-solving with smaller radius -> ' + '%f\n'%self.radius) # apply a trust radius check to the normal step normal_step_norm = normal_step.primal.norm2 if normal_step_norm > 0.8*self.radius: normal_step.primal.times( 0.8*self.radius/normal_step_norm) # calculate the tangent step radius self.tangent_KKT.radius = np.sqrt( self.radius**2 - normal_step.primal.norm2**2) # set up the RHS vector for the tangent-step solve self.tangent_KKT.multiply_W(normal_step.primal, tangent_rhs.primal) tangent_rhs.times(-1.) # solve for the tangent step self.tangent_KKT.solve( tangent_rhs, tangent_step, self.krylov_tol) # assemble the complete step P.primal.equals_ax_p_by(1., normal_step.primal, 1, tangent_step) # calculate predicted decrease in the augmented Lagrangian self.calc_pred_reduction() else: # model is okay -- accept primal step self.info_file.write('\nStep accepted!\n') X.primal.enforce_bounds() # solve states at the new step state.equals_primal_solution(X.primal) # if this is a matrix-based problem, tell the solver to factor # some important matrices to be used in the next iteration if self.factor_matrices and self.iter < self.max_iter: factor_linear_system(X.primal, state) # perform an adjoint solution for the Lagrangian state_work.equals_objective_partial(X.primal, state) dCdU(X.primal, state).T.product(X.dual, adjoint) state_work.times(-1.) dRdU(X.primal, state).T.solve(state_work, adjoint) # check the trust radius if self.tangent_KKT.trust_active: # if active, decide if we want to increase it self.info_file.write('Trust radius active...\n') if rho >= 0.5: # model is good enough -- increase radius if self.radius < self.max_radius: self.radius = min(2.*self.radius, self.max_radius) self.info_file.write( ' Radius increased -> %f\n'%self.radius) else: self.info_file.write( ' Max radius reached!\n') min_radius_active = False # trust radius globalization worked, break loop converged = True self.info_file.write('\n') break return converged, min_radius_active