Source code for kona.algorithms.unconstrained_rsnk

from kona.algorithms.base_algorithm import OptimizationAlgorithm

[docs]class UnconstrainedRSNK(OptimizationAlgorithm): """ A reduced-space Newton-Krylov optimization algorithm for PDE-governed unconstrained problems. This algorithm uses a 2nd order adjoint formulation to compute matrix-vector products with the Reduced Hessian. The product is then used in a Krylov solver to compute a Newton step. The step can be globalized using either line-search or trust-region methods. The Krylov solver changes based on the type of globalization selected by the user. Unglobalized problems are solved via FGMRES, while trust-region and line-search methods use Conjugate-Gradient. .. note:: Insert inexact-Hessian paper reference here. Attributes ---------- factor_matrices : bool Boolean flag for matrix-based PDE solvers. iter : int Optimization iteration counter. hessian : :class:`~kona.linalg.matrices.hessian.ReducedHessian` Matrix object defining the Hessian matrix-vector product. precond : :class:`~kona.linalg.matrices.hessian.basic.BaseHessian`-like Matrix object defining the approximation to the Hessian inverse. krylov : :class:`~kona.linalg.solvers.krylov.FGMRES` or :class:`~kona.linalg.solvers.krylov.STCG` A krylov solver object used to solve the system defined by the Hessian. globalization : string Flag to determine which type of globalization to use. radius, max_radius : float Trust radius parameters. line_search : :class:`~kona.algorithms.util.linesearch.BackTracking` Back-tracking line search tool. merit_func : :class:`~kona.algorithms.util.merit.ObjectiveMerit` Simple objective as merit function. """ def __init__(self, primal_factory, state_factory, eq_factory, ineq_factory, optns=None): # trigger base class initialization super(UnconstrainedRSNK, self).__init__( primal_factory, state_factory, eq_factory, ineq_factory, optns) # number of vectors required in solve() method self.primal_factory.request_num_vectors(7) self.state_factory.request_num_vectors(8) # misc attributes self.iter = 0 # set the krylov solver options krylov_optns = { 'krylov_file':get_opt( self.optns, 'kona_krylov.dat', 'rsnk', 'krylov_file'), 'subspace_size':get_opt(self.optns, 10, 'rsnk', 'subspace_size'), 'check_res':get_opt(self.optns, True, 'rsnk', 'check_res'), 'rel_tol':get_opt(self.optns, 1e-2, 'rsnk', 'rel_tol'), } # determine if the underlying PDE is matrix-explicit self.factor_matrices = get_opt(self.optns, False, 'matrix_explicit') # set globalization type self.globalization = get_opt(self.optns, 'trust', 'globalization') if self.globalization is None: self.info_file.write( ">> WARNING: Globalization is turned off! <<\n") self.krylov = FGMRES(self.primal_factory, krylov_optns) elif self.globalization == 'linesearch': self.krylov = LineSearchCG(self.primal_factory, krylov_optns) line_search_opt = get_opt(self.optns, {}, 'linesearch') self.line_search = BackTracking( line_search_opt, out_file=self.info_file) self.merit_func = ObjectiveMerit( primal_factory, state_factory, {}, self.info_file) self.last_alpha = 1.0 elif self.globalization == 'trust': self.krylov = STCG(self.primal_factory, krylov_optns) self.radius = get_opt(self.optns, 1.0, 'trust', 'init_radius') self.max_radius = get_opt(self.optns, 1.0, 'trust', 'max_radius') self.krylov.radius = self.radius else: raise BadKonaOption(self.optns, 'globalization') # initialize the ReducedHessian approximation reduced_optns = get_opt(self.optns, {}, 'rsnk') reduced_optns['out_file'] = self.info_file self.hessian = ReducedHessian( [self.primal_factory, self.state_factory], reduced_optns) # initialize the preconditioner to the ReducedHessian self.precond = get_opt(self.optns, None, 'rsnk', 'precond') if self.precond == 'quasi_newton': # set the type of quasi-Newton method try: quasi_newton = get_opt( self.optns, LimitedMemoryBFGS, 'quasi_newton', 'type') qn_optns = get_opt(self.optns, {}, 'quasi_newton') qn_optns['out_file'] = self.info_file self.quasi_newton = quasi_newton(self.primal_factory, qn_optns) except Exception: raise BadKonaOption(self.optns, 'quasi_newton', 'type') self.precond = self.quasi_newton.solve self.hessian.quasi_newton = self.quasi_newton else: self.eye = IdentityMatrix() self.precond = self.eye.product def _write_header(self, obj_scale): if self.globalization == 'trust': glob_text = 'radius ' elif self.globalization == 'linesearch': glob_text = 'alpha ' else: glob_text = ' ' self.hist_file.write( '# Kona %s RSNK convergence history file '%self.globalization + '(grad scale = %e)\n'%obj_scale + '# iters' + ' cost' + ' '*5 + 'grad norm ' + ' '*7 + 'objective ' + ' '*7 + glob_text + '\n' ) def _write_history(self, num_iter, norm, obj): if self.globalization == 'trust': glob_num = '%f'%self.radius elif self.globalization == 'linesearch': glob_num = '%f'%self.last_alpha else: glob_num = '' self.hist_file.write( '%7i'%num_iter + '%10i'%self.primal_factory._memory.cost + ' '*5 + '%8e'%norm + ' '*5 + '%8e'%obj + ' '*5 + glob_num + '\n' )
[docs] def solve(self): x = self.primal_factory.generate() p = self.primal_factory.generate() dJdX = self.primal_factory.generate() dJdX_old = self.primal_factory.generate() primal_work = self.primal_factory.generate() state = self.state_factory.generate() adjoint = self.state_factory.generate() state_work = self.state_factory.generate() # set initial design and solve for state x.equals_init_design() if not state.equals_primal_solution(x): raise RuntimeError('Invalid initial point! State-solve failed.') # solve for adjoint adjoint.equals_objective_adjoint(x, state, state_work) # get objective scale dJdX_old.equals_total_gradient(x, state, adjoint) grad_norm0 = dJdX_old.norm2 obj_scale = 1. # recompute adjoint and grad norm if obj_scale != 1.: adjoint.equals_objective_adjoint(x, state, state_work, scale=obj_scale) dJdX_old.equals_total_gradient(x, state, adjoint, scale=obj_scale) # START THE NEWTON LOOP ####################### self._write_header(obj_scale) converged = False grad_tol = self.primal_tol*grad_norm0 for i in xrange(self.max_iter): self.info_file.write( '==================================================\n') self.info_file.write('Beginning Newton iteration %i\n'%(i + 1)) self.info_file.write('\n') # compute convergence norm dJdX.equals_total_gradient(x, state, adjoint, scale=obj_scale) grad_norm = dJdX.norm2 self.info_file.write( 'grad norm : grad_tol = %e : %e\n'%(grad_norm, grad_tol)) # update quasi-newton preconditioner if self.precond == 'quasi_newton' and i != 0: dJdX_old.minus(dJdX) dJdX_old.times(-1.0) self.quasi_newton.add_correction(p, dJdX_old) dJdX_old.equals(dJdX) # write history solver_info = current_solution( num_iter=self.iter, curr_primal=x, curr_state=state, curr_adj=adjoint) if isinstance(solver_info, str): self.info_file.write('\n' + solver_info + '\n') obj = objective_value(x, state) self._write_history(self.iter, grad_norm, obj) # check convergence if grad_norm < grad_tol: converged = True break # define adaptive Krylov tolerance for superlinear convergence krylov_tol = self.krylov.rel_tol*min( 1.0, np.sqrt(grad_norm/grad_norm0)) krylov_tol = max(krylov_tol, grad_tol/grad_norm) self.krylov.rel_tol = krylov_tol self.info_file.write('krylov tol = %e\n'%krylov_tol) # inexactly solve the trust-region problem p.equals(0.0) dJdX.times(-1.0) self.hessian.linearize(x, state, adjoint, scale=obj_scale) pred, active = self.krylov.solve( self.hessian.product, dJdX, p, self.precond) dJdX.times(-1.0) if p.norm2 == 0.0: # we converged to a local minimum that may or may not satisfy tolerances self.info_file.write("\nNewton-step is zero!\n") break if self.globalization is None: x.enforce_bounds() state.equals_primal_solution(x) if self.factor_matrices: factor_linear_system(x, state) adjoint.equals_objective_adjoint(x, state, state_work, scale=obj_scale) elif self.globalization == 'trust': # store old design point and take the step primal_work.equals(x) x.enforce_bounds() # compute the actual reduction and trust parameter rho obj_old = obj state_work.equals(state) if state.equals_primal_solution(x): obj = objective_value(x, state) rho = (obj_old - obj)/pred else: rho = np.nan # update radius if necessary if rho < 0.1 or np.isnan(rho): self.info_file.write('reverting solution...\n') x.equals(primal_work) state.equals(state_work) self.radius *= 0.25 self.krylov.radius = self.radius self.info_file.write('new radius = %f\n'%self.radius) else: if self.factor_matrices: factor_linear_system(x, state) adjoint.equals_objective_adjoint(x, state, state_work, scale=obj_scale) if active and rho > 0.75: self.radius = min(2*self.radius, self.max_radius) self.krylov.radius = self.radius self.info_file.write('new radius = %f\n'%self.radius) elif self.globalization == 'linesearch': # perform line search along the new direction p_dot_djdx = p.inner(dJdX) self.info_file.write('p_dot_djdx = %e\n'%p_dot_djdx) self.merit_func.reset(p, x, state, p_dot_djdx) alpha, _ = self.line_search.find_step_length(self.merit_func) self.last_alpha = alpha # apply the step onto the primal space p.times(alpha) state.equals_primal_solution(x) if self.factor_matrices: factor_linear_system(x, state) adjoint.equals_objective_adjoint(x, state, state_work, scale=obj_scale) else: raise TypeError("Wrong globalization type!") self.iter += 1 self.info_file.write('\n') ##################### # END THE NEWTON LOOP if converged: self.info_file.write('\nOptimization successful!\n') else: self.info_file.write('\nFailed to converge!\n') self.info_file.write( '\nTotal number of nonlinear iterations: %i\n'%self.iter)
# imports here to prevent circular errors import numpy as np from kona.options import BadKonaOption, get_opt from kona.linalg.common import current_solution, objective_value, factor_linear_system from kona.linalg.matrices.common import IdentityMatrix from kona.linalg.matrices.hessian import LimitedMemoryBFGS, ReducedHessian from kona.linalg.solvers.krylov import STCG, LineSearchCG, FGMRES from kona.algorithms.util.linesearch import BackTracking from kona.algorithms.util.merit import ObjectiveMerit