Source code for kona.linalg.matrices.hessian.augmented_kkt_matrix

from kona.linalg.matrices.hessian.basic import BaseHessian

[docs]class AugmentedKKTMatrix(BaseHessian): """ Matrix object for the the normal system associated with the reduced KKT system. The normal system is defined as: .. math:: \\begin{bmatrix} I && 0 && Aeq^T && Ain^T \\\\ 0 && Sigma && 0 && I \\\\ Aeq && 0 && 0 && 0 \\\\ Ain && I && 0 && 0 \\end{bmatrix} This matrix is used to solve the normal-step in a composite-step algorithm. """ def __init__(self, vector_factories, optns=None): super(AugmentedKKTMatrix, self).__init__(vector_factories, optns) # decide which krylov solver we use self.use_gcrot = get_opt(self.optns, True, 'use_gcrot') # initialize the constraint jacobian self.A = TotalConstraintJacobian(vector_factories) # get preconditioner options self.precond = get_opt(self.optns, None, 'precond') if self.precond is None: self.nested_svd = None eye = IdentityMatrix() self.precond = eye.product else: raise TypeError('Invalid preconditioner!' + 'Can be either \'nested_svd\' or None.') # initialize the internal krylov solver if self.use_gcrot: krylov_optns = { 'out_file' : get_opt( self.optns, 'kona_normal_gcrot.dat', 'out_file'), 'subspace_size' : get_opt(self.optns, 10, 'subspace_size'), 'max_recycle' : get_opt(self.optns, 10, 'max_recycle'), 'max_outer' : get_opt(self.optns, 10, 'max_outer'), 'max_matvec' : get_opt(self.optns, 50, 'max_matvec'), 'check_res' : get_opt(self.optns, True, 'check_res'), 'rel_tol' : get_opt(self.optns, 1e-3, 'rel_tol'), 'abs_tol' : get_opt(self.optns, 1e-5, 'abs_tol') } self.krylov = GCROT( self.primal_factory, optns=krylov_optns, eq_factory=self.eq_factory, ineq_factory=self.ineq_factory) else: krylov_optns = { 'out_file' : get_opt( self.optns, 'kona_normal_fgmres.dat', 'out_file'), 'subspace_size' : get_opt(self.optns, 10, 'subspace_size'), 'check_res' : get_opt(self.optns, True, 'check_res'), 'rel_tol' : get_opt(self.optns, 1e-3, 'rel_tol'), 'abs_tol' : get_opt(self.optns, 1e-5, 'abs_tol') } self.krylov = FGMRES( self.primal_factory, optns=krylov_optns, eq_factory=self.eq_factory, ineq_factory=self.ineq_factory)
[docs] def linearize(self, at_kkt, at_state): # store references to the evaluation point if isinstance(at_kkt.primal, CompositePrimalVector): self.at_design = self.at_slack = at_kkt.primal.slack else: self.at_design = at_kkt.primal self.at_slack = None self.at_dual = at_kkt.dual self.at_state = at_state # linearize the constraint jacobian self.A.linearize(self.at_design, self.at_state) # reset the krylov subspace if self.use_gcrot: self.krylov.clear_subspace() # do aliasing on a work vector self.dual_work = self.A.dual_work
[docs] def product(self, in_vec, out_vec): # do some aliasing for the vectors if isinstance(in_vec.primal, CompositePrimalVector): in_design = out_design = out_vec.primal.slack in_slack = in_vec.primal.slack out_slack = out_vec.primal.slack if isinstance(in_vec.dual, CompositeDualVector): in_dual_eq = in_vec.dual.eq out_dual_eq = out_vec.dual.eq in_dual_ineq = in_vec.dual.ineq out_dual_ineq = out_vec.dual.ineq else: in_dual_eq = None out_dual_eq = None in_dual_ineq = in_vec.dual out_dual_ineq = out_vec.dual else: in_design = in_vec.primal out_design = out_vec.primal in_dual_eq = in_vec.dual out_dual_eq = out_vec.dual in_dual_ineq = None out_dual_ineq = None in_slack = None # compute the design product # out_design = in_design + A^T*in_dual self.A.T.product(in_vec.dual, out_design) # compute the dual product # out_dual = A*in_design self.A.product(in_design, out_vec.dual) # deal with slack terms if in_slack is not None: # compute the slack product # out_slack = I * in_dual_ineq out_slack.equals(in_dual_ineq) # now modify the dual product # out_dual_ineq += I * in_slack
[docs] def solve(self, rhs, solution, rel_tol=None): # set krylov relative tolerance if rel_tol is not None: tmp_rel_tol = self.krylov.rel_tol self.krylov.rel_tol = rel_tol # solve the system solution.equals(0.0) self.krylov.solve(self.product, rhs, solution, self.precond) # reset the tolerance for the krylov object if rel_tol is not None: self.krylov.rel_tol = tmp_rel_tol
# imports here to prevent circular errors from kona.options import get_opt from kona.linalg.vectors.common import DesignVector, StateVector from kona.linalg.vectors.common import DualVectorEQ, DualVectorINEQ from kona.linalg.vectors.composite import CompositePrimalVector from kona.linalg.vectors.composite import CompositeDualVector from kona.linalg.matrices.common import IdentityMatrix from kona.linalg.matrices.hessian import TotalConstraintJacobian from kona.linalg.solvers.krylov import GCROT, FGMRES