Source code for kona.linalg.matrices.hessian.reduced_kkt

from kona.linalg.matrices.hessian.basic import BaseHessian

[docs]class ReducedKKTMatrix(BaseHessian): """ Reduced approximation of the KKT matrix using a 2nd order adjoint formulation. For problems with only equality constraints, the KKT system is given as: .. math:: \\begin{bmatrix} \\nabla_x^2 \\mathcal{L} && \\nabla_x c^T \\\\ \\nabla_x c_{eq} && 0 \\end{bmatrix} \\begin{bmatrix} \\Delta x \\\\ \\Delta \\lambda \\end{bmatrix} = \\begin{bmatrix} -\\nabla_x \\mathcal{f} - \\lambda^T \\nabla_x c \\\\ - c \\end{bmatrix} where :math:`\\mathcal{L}` is the Lagrangian defined as: .. math:: \\mathcal{L}(x, u(x), \lambda) = F(x, u(x)) + \\lambda^T c(x, u(x)) For problems with inequality constraints, slack variables :math:`s` are introduced alongside a log-barrier term for non-negativity, such that the Lagrangian :math:`\\mathcal{L}` becomes: .. math:: \\mathcal{L}(x, u(x), \lambda) = F(x, u(x)) + \\lambda_{eq}^T c_{eq}(x, u(x)) + \\lambda_{ineq}^T \\left[c_{ineq}(x, u(x)) - s\\right] + \\frac{1}{2}\\mu\\sum_{i=1}^{n_{ineq}}ln(s_i) The inequality constrained KKT system is then defined as: .. math:: \\begin{bmatrix} \\nabla_x^2 \\mathcal{L} && 0 && \\nabla_x c_{eq}^T && \\nabla_x c_{ineq}^T \\\\ 0 && \\Sigma && 0 && I \\\\ \\nabla_x c_{eq} && 0 && 0 && 0 \\\\ \\nabla_x c_{ineq} && I && 0 && 0 \\end{bmatrix} \\begin{bmatrix} \\Delta x \\\\ \\Delta s \\\\ \\Delta \\lambda_{eq} \\\\ \\Delta \\lambda_{ineq} \\end{bmatrix} = \\begin{bmatrix} -\\nabla_x \\mathcal{f} - \\lambda_{eq}^T \\nabla_x c_{eq} -\\lambda_{eq}^T \\nabla_x c_{eq} \\\\ \\lambda^T \\mu * S^{-1}e \\\\ - c_{eq} \\\\ - c_{ineq} + s \\end{bmatrix} .. note:: Currently, Kona does not have any optimization algorithms that support inequality constraints. The slack implementation in this matrix is part of an ongoing development effort to support inequality constraints at a future date. Attributes ---------- product_tol : float Tolerance for 2nd order adjoint system solutions. scale, grad_scale, feas_scale : float Optimality metric normalization factors. krylov : KrylovSolver A krylov solver object used to solve the system defined by this matrix. dRdX, dRdU, dCdX, dCdU : KonaMatrix Various abstract jacobians used in calculating the mat-vec product. """ def __init__(self, vector_factories, optns=None): super(ReducedKKTMatrix, self).__init__(vector_factories, optns) # read reduced options self.product_tol = get_opt(self.optns, 1e-6, 'product_tol') self.scale = get_opt(self.optns, 1.0, 'scale') self.grad_scale = get_opt(self.optns, 1.0, 'grad_scale') self.feas_scale = get_opt(self.optns, 1.0, 'feas_scale') # set empty solver handle self.krylov = None # reset the linearization flag self._allocated = False # request vector memory for future allocation self.primal_factory.request_num_vectors(3) self.state_factory.request_num_vectors(6) if self.eq_factory is not None: self.eq_factory.request_num_vectors(3) if self.ineq_factory is not None: self.ineq_factory.request_num_vectors(3) # initialize abtract jacobians self.dRdX = dRdX() self.dRdU = dRdU() self.dCdX = dCdX() self.dCdU = dCdU() def _linear_solve(self, rhs_vec, solution, rel_tol=1e-6): self.dRdU.linearize(self.at_design, self.at_state) self.dRdU.solve(rhs_vec, solution, rel_tol=rel_tol) def _adjoint_solve(self, rhs_vec, solution, rel_tol=1e-6): self.dRdU.linearize(self.at_design, self.at_state) self.dRdU.T.solve(rhs_vec, solution, rel_tol=rel_tol)
[docs] def set_krylov_solver(self, krylov_solver): if isinstance(krylov_solver, KrylovSolver): self.krylov = krylov_solver else: raise TypeError('Solver is not a valid KrylovSolver')
[docs] def linearize(self, at_kkt, at_state, at_adjoint, obj_scale=1.0, cnstr_scale=1.0): """ Linearize the KKT matrix at the given KKT, state, adjoint and barrier point. This method does not perform any factorizations or matrix operations. Parameters ---------- at_kkt : ReducedKKTVector KKT vector at which the product is evaluated at_state : StateVector State point at which the product is evaluated. at_adjoint : StateVector 1st order adjoint variables at which the product is evaluated. obj_scale : float, optional Factor by which the objective component of the product is scaled. cnstr_scale : float, optional Factor by which the constraint component of the product is scaled. """ # if this is the first ever linearization... if not self._allocated: # generate state vectors self.adjoint_res = self.state_factory.generate() self.w_adj = self.state_factory.generate() self.lambda_adj = self.state_factory.generate() self.state_work = [] for i in xrange(3): self.state_work.append(self.state_factory.generate()) # generate primal vectors self.pert_design = self.primal_factory.generate() self.reduced_grad = self.primal_factory.generate() self.primal_work = self.primal_factory.generate() # generate dual vectors if isinstance(at_kkt.dual, CompositeDualVector): dual_eq = self.eq_factory.generate() dual_ineq = self.ineq_factory.generate() self.dual_work = CompositeDualVector(dual_eq, dual_ineq) else: self.dual_work = self.eq_factory.generate() self.slack_block = None if self.ineq_factory is not None: self.slack_block = self.ineq_factory.generate() self._allocated = True # store the linearization point self.at_dual = at_kkt.dual if isinstance(at_kkt.primal, CompositePrimalVector): self.at_design = self.at_slack = at_kkt.primal.slack if isinstance(self.at_dual, CompositeDualVector): self.at_dual_ineq = self.at_dual.ineq else: self.at_dual_ineq = self.at_dual else: self.at_design = at_kkt.primal self.at_slack = None self.at_dual_ineq = None self.design_norm = self.at_design.norm2 self.at_state = at_state self.state_norm = self.at_state.norm2 self.at_adjoint = at_adjoint self.at_dual = at_kkt.dual # store scales self.obj_scale = obj_scale self.cnstr_scale = cnstr_scale # pre compute the slack block if self.slack_block is not None: self.slack_block.equals(self.at_slack) self.slack_block.pow(-1.) self.slack_block.times(self.at_dual_ineq) # compute adjoint residual at the linearization self.dual_work.equals_constraints(self.at_design, self.at_state) self.adjoint_res.equals_objective_partial( self.at_design, self.at_state, scale=self.obj_scale) self.dRdU.linearize(self.at_design, self.at_state) self.dRdU.T.product(self.at_adjoint, self.state_work[0])[0]) self.dCdU.linearize(self.at_design, self.at_state) self.dCdU.T.product(self.at_dual, self.state_work[0]) self.state_work[0].times(self.cnstr_scale)[0]) # compute reduced gradient at the linearization self.reduced_grad.equals_objective_partial( self.at_design, self.at_state, scale=self.obj_scale) self.dRdX.linearize(self.at_design, self.at_state) self.dRdX.T.product(self.at_adjoint, self.primal_work) self.dCdX.linearize(self.at_design, self.at_state) self.dCdX.T.product(self.at_dual, self.primal_work) self.primal_work.times(self.cnstr_scale)
[docs] def product(self, in_vec, out_vec): """ Matrix-vector product for the reduced KKT system. Parameters ---------- in_vec : ReducedKKTVector Vector to be multiplied with the KKT matrix. out_vec : ReducedKKTVector Result of the operation. """ # type check given vectors if not isinstance(in_vec, ReducedKKTVector): raise TypeError('Multiplying vector is not a ReducedKKTVector') if not isinstance(out_vec, ReducedKKTVector): raise TypeError('Result vector is not a ReducedKKTVector') # clear output vector out_vec.equals(0.0) # do some aliasing to make the code cleanier in_dual = in_vec.dual out_dual = out_vec.dual if isinstance(in_vec.primal, CompositePrimalVector): if self.at_slack is None: raise TypeError('No slack variables defined!') in_design = in_slack = in_vec.primal.slack out_design = out_slack = out_vec.primal.slack if isinstance(in_dual, CompositeDualVector): in_dual_ineq = in_dual.ineq out_dual_ineq = out_dual.ineq else: in_dual_ineq = in_dual out_dual_ineq = out_dual else: in_design = in_vec.primal in_slack = None out_design = out_vec.primal out_slack = None in_dual_ineq = None out_dual_ineq = None # calculate appropriate FD perturbation for design epsilon_fd = calc_epsilon(self.design_norm, in_design.norm2) # assemble RHS for first adjoint system self.dRdX.linearize(self.at_design, self.at_state) self.dRdX.product(in_design, self.state_work[0]) self.state_work[0].times(-1.0) # perform the adjoint solution self.w_adj.equals(0.0) # rel_tol = self.product_tol/max(self.state_work[0].norm2, EPS) rel_tol = 1e-6 self._linear_solve(self.state_work[0], self.w_adj, rel_tol=rel_tol) # find the adjoint perturbation by solving the linearized dual equation self.pert_design.equals_ax_p_by( 1.0, self.at_design, epsilon_fd, in_design) self.state_work[2].equals_ax_p_by( 1.0, self.at_state, epsilon_fd, self.w_adj) # first part of LHS: evaluate the adjoint equation residual at # perturbed design and state self.state_work[0].equals_objective_partial( self.pert_design, self.state_work[2], scale=self.obj_scale) pert_state = self.state_work[2] # aliasing for readability self.dRdU.linearize(self.pert_design, pert_state) self.dRdU.T.product(self.at_adjoint, self.state_work[1]) self.state_work[0].plus(self.state_work[1]) self.dCdU.linearize(self.pert_design, pert_state) self.dCdU.T.product(self.at_dual, self.state_work[1]) self.state_work[1].times(self.cnstr_scale) self.state_work[0].plus(self.state_work[1]) # at this point state_work[0] should contain the perturbed adjoint # residual, so take difference with unperturbed adjoint residual self.state_work[0].minus(self.adjoint_res) self.state_work[0].divide_by(epsilon_fd) # multiply by -1 to move to RHS self.state_work[0].times(-1.0) # second part of LHS: (dC/dU) * in_vec.dual self.dCdU.linearize(self.at_design, self.at_state) self.dCdU.T.product(in_dual, self.state_work[1]) self.state_work[1].times(self.cnstr_scale) # assemble final RHS self.state_work[0].minus(self.state_work[1]) # perform the adjoint solution self.lambda_adj.equals(0.0) # rel_tol = self.product_tol/max(self.state_work[0].norm2, EPS) rel_tol = 1e-6 self._adjoint_solve( self.state_work[0], self.lambda_adj, rel_tol=rel_tol) # evaluate first order optimality conditions at perturbed design, state # and adjoint: # g = df/dX + lag_mult*dC/dX + (adjoint + eps_fd*lambda_adj)*dR/dX self.state_work[1].equals_ax_p_by( 1.0, self.at_adjoint, epsilon_fd, self.lambda_adj) pert_adjoint = self.state_work[1] # aliasing for readability out_design.equals_objective_partial( self.pert_design, pert_state, scale=self.obj_scale) self.dRdX.linearize(self.pert_design, pert_state) self.dRdX.T.product(pert_adjoint, self.primal_work) self.dCdX.linearize(self.pert_design, pert_state) self.dCdX.T.product(self.at_dual, self.primal_work) self.primal_work.times(self.cnstr_scale) # take difference with unperturbed conditions out_design.times(self.grad_scale) out_design.minus(self.reduced_grad) out_design.divide_by(epsilon_fd) # the dual part needs no FD self.dCdX.linearize(self.at_design, self.at_state) self.dCdX.T.product(in_dual, self.primal_work) self.primal_work.times(self.cnstr_scale) # evaluate dual part of product: # C = dC/dX*in_vec + dC/dU*w_adj self.dCdX.linearize(self.at_design, self.at_state) self.dCdX.product(in_design, out_vec.dual) out_vec.dual.times(self.cnstr_scale) self.dCdU.linearize(self.at_design, self.at_state) self.dCdU.product(self.w_adj, self.dual_work) self.dual_work.times(self.cnstr_scale) out_dual.times(self.feas_scale) # add the slack term to the dual component if in_slack is not None: # set slack output # out_slack = Sigma * in_slack + in_dual_ineq out_slack.equals(in_slack) out_slack.times(self.slack_block) # add the slack contribution to dual component # out_dual_ineq += in_slack
# imports here to prevent circular errors from kona.options import get_opt from kona.linalg.vectors.common import StateVector from kona.linalg.vectors.composite import ReducedKKTVector from kona.linalg.vectors.composite import CompositePrimalVector from kona.linalg.vectors.composite import CompositeDualVector from kona.linalg.matrices.common import dRdX, dRdU, dCdX, dCdU from kona.linalg.solvers.krylov.basic import KrylovSolver from kona.linalg.solvers.util import calc_epsilon, EPS