Source code for kona.linalg.vectors.composite

[docs]class CompositeFactory(object): """ A factory-like object that generates composite vectors. It is intended to mimic the function of basic VectorFactory objects. Parameters ---------- memory : KonaMemory All-knowing Kona memory manager. vec_type : CompositeVector-like Type of composite vector the factory will produce. Attributes ---------- _memory : KonaMemory All-knowing Kona memory manager. _vec_type : CompositeVector-like Type of composite vector the factory will produce. _factories : list of VectorFactory or CompositeFactory Vector factories used in generating the composite vector of choice. """ def __init__(self, memory, vec_type): # make sure the given type is a composite vector assert issubclass(vec_type, CompositeVector), "Must provide a CompositeVector-type!" assert isinstance(memory, KonaMemory), "Invalid memory object!" # store memory and figure out what factories we need for the job self._memory = memory self._vec_type = vec_type if self._vec_type is CompositePrimalVector: # make sure we have inequality constraints assert self._memory.nineq > 0, \ "Cannot generate CompositePrimalVector! No inequality constraints." self._factories = [self._memory.primal_factory, self._memory.ineq_factory] elif self._vec_type is CompositeDualVector: # make sure we have both types of constraints assert self._memory.neq > 0 and self._memory.nineq > 0, \ "Cannot generate CompositeDualVector! No equality and inequality constraints." self._factories = [self._memory.eq_factory, self._memory.ineq_factory] elif self._vec_type is PrimalDualVector: # make sure we have at least one kind of constraint assert self._memory.neq > 0 or self._memory.nineq > 0, \ "Cannot generate PrimalDualVector! No constraints." self._factories = [self._memory.primal_factory] if self._memory.neq > 0: self._factories.append(self._memory.eq_factory) if self._memory.nineq > 0: self._factories.append(self._memory.ineq_factory) elif self._vec_type is ReducedKKTVector: # make sure we have equality constraints assert self._memory.neq > 0, \ "Cannot generate ReducedKKTVector! No equality constraints." # sub-structure of ReducedKKTVector varies depending on inequality constraints if self._memory.nineq > 0: self._factories = [CompositeFactory(memory, CompositePrimalVector), CompositeFactory(memory, CompositeDualVector)] else: self._factories = [self._memory.primal_factory, self._memory.eq_factory] else: raise NotImplementedError("Factory has not been implemented for given type!")
[docs] def request_num_vectors(self, count): for factory in self._factories: factory.request_num_vectors(count)
[docs] def generate(self): if self._vec_type is CompositePrimalVector: design = self._factories[0].generate() slack = self._factories[1].generate() return CompositePrimalVector(design, slack) elif self._vec_type is CompositeDualVector: eq = self._factories[0].generate() ineq = self._factories[1].generate() return CompositeDualVector(eq, ineq) elif self._vec_type is PrimalDualVector: design = self._factories[0].generate() eq = None ineq = None for factory in self._factories: if factory._vec_type is DualVectorEQ: eq = factory.generate() if factory._vec_type is DualVectorINEQ: ineq = factory.generate() return PrimalDualVector(design, eq, ineq) elif self._vec_type is ReducedKKTVector: primal = self._factories[0].generate() dual = self._factories[1].generate() return ReducedKKTVector(primal, dual)
[docs]class CompositeVector(object): """ Base class shell for all composite vectors. """ def __init__(self, vectors): self._vectors = vectors self._memory = self._vectors[0]._memory def _check_type(self, vec): if not isinstance(vec, type(self)): raise TypeError('CompositeVector() >> ' + 'Wrong vector type. Must be %s' % type(self)) else: for i in xrange(len(self._vectors)): try: self._vectors[i]._check_type(vec._vectors[i]) except TypeError: raise TypeError("CompositeVector() >> " + "Mismatched internal vectors!")
[docs] def equals(self, rhs): """ Used as the assignment operator. If val is a scalar, all vector elements are set to the scalar value. If val is a vector, the two vectors are set equal. Parameters ---------- rhs : float or CompositeVector Right hand side term for assignment. """ if isinstance(rhs, (float, int, np.float64, np.int64, np.float32, np.int32)): for i in xrange(len(self._vectors)): self._vectors[i].equals(rhs) else: self._check_type(rhs) for i in xrange(len(self._vectors)): self._vectors[i].equals(rhs._vectors[i])
[docs] def plus(self, vector): """ Used as the addition operator. Adds the incoming vector to the current vector in place. Parameters ---------- vector : CompositeVector Vector to be added. """ self._check_type(vector) for i in xrange(len(self._vectors)): self._vectors[i].plus(vector._vectors[i])
[docs] def minus(self, vector): """ Used as the subtraction operator. Subtracts the incoming vector from the current vector in place. Parameters ---------- vector : CompositeVector Vector to be subtracted. """ self._check_type(vector) for i in xrange(len(self._vectors)): self._vectors[i].minus(vector._vectors[i])
[docs] def times(self, factor): """ Used as the multiplication operator. Can multiply with scalars or element-wise with vectors. Parameters ---------- factor : float or CompositeVector Scalar or vector-valued multiplication factor. """ if isinstance(factor, (float, int, np.float64, np.int64, np.float32, np.int32)): for i in xrange(len(self._vectors)): self._vectors[i].times(factor) else: self._check_type(factor) for i in xrange(len(self._vectors)): self._vectors[i].times(factor._vectors[i])
[docs] def divide_by(self, value): """ Used as the division operator. Divides the vector by the given scalar value. Parameters ---------- value : float Vector to be added. """ if isinstance(value, (float, int, np.float64, np.int64, np.float32, np.int32)): for i in xrange(len(self._vectors)): self._vectors[i].divide_by(value) else: raise TypeError( 'CompositeVector.divide_by() >> Value not a scalar!')
[docs] def equals_ax_p_by(self, a, x, b, y): """ Performs a full a*X + b*Y operation between two vectors, and stores the result in place. Parameters ---------- a, b : float Coefficients for the operation. x, y : CompositeVector Vectors for the operation """ self._check_type(x) self._check_type(y) for i in xrange(len(self._vectors)): self._vectors[i].equals_ax_p_by(a, x._vectors[i], b, y._vectors[i])
[docs] def inner(self, vector): """ Computes an inner product with another vector. Returns ------- float : Inner product. """ self._check_type(vector) total_prod = 0. for i in xrange(len(self._vectors)): total_prod += self._vectors[i].inner(vector._vectors[i]) return total_prod
[docs] def exp(self, vector): """ Computes the element-wise exponential of the given vector and stores it in place. Parameters ---------- vector : CompositeVector """ self._check_type(vector) for i in xrange(len(self._vectors)): self._vectors[i].exp(vector)
[docs] def log(self, vector): """ Computes the element-wise natural log of the given vector and stores it in place. Parameters ---------- vector : CompositeVector """ self._check_type(vector) for i in xrange(len(self._vectors)): self._vectors[i].log(vector)
[docs] def pow(self, power): """ Computes the element-wise power of the in-place vector. Parameters ---------- power : float """ for i in xrange(len(self._vectors)): self._vectors[i].pow(power)
@property def norm2(self): """ Computes the L2 norm of the vector. Returns ------- float : L2 norm. """ prod = self.inner(self) if prod < 0: raise ValueError('CompositeVector.norm2 >> ' + 'Inner product is negative!') else: return np.sqrt(prod) @property def infty(self): """ Infinity norm of the composite vector. Returns ------- float : Infinity norm. """ norms = [] for i in xrange(len(self._vectors)): norms.append(self._vectors[i].infty) return max(norms)
[docs]class PrimalDualVector(CompositeVector): """ A composite vector made up of primal, dual equality, and dual inequality vectors. Parameters ---------- _memory : KonaMemory All-knowing Kona memory manager. primal : DesignVector Primal component of the composite vector. eq : DualVectorEQ Dual component corresponding to the equality constraints. ineq: DualVectorINEQ Dual component corresponding to the inequality constraints. """ init_dual = 0.0 # default initial value for multipliers def __init__(self, primal_vec, eq_vec=None, ineq_vec=None): assert isinstance(primal_vec, DesignVector), \ 'PrimalDualVector() >> primal_vec must be a DesignVector!' if eq_vec is not None: assert isinstance(eq_vec, DualVectorEQ), \ 'PrimalDualVector() >> eq_vec must be a DualVectorEQ!' if ineq_vec is not None: assert isinstance(ineq_vec, DualVectorINEQ), \ 'PrimalDualVector() >> ineq_vec must be a DualVectorINEQ!' self.primal = primal_vec self.eq = eq_vec self.ineq = ineq_vec vec_list = [primal_vec, eq_vec, ineq_vec] super(PrimalDualVector, self).__init__([vec for vec in vec_list if vec is not None])
[docs] def get_num_var(self): """ Returns the total number of variables in the PrimalDualVector """ nvar = self.primal._memory.ndv if self.eq is not None: nvar += self.eq._memory.neq if self.ineq is not None: nvar += self.ineq._memory.nineq return nvar
[docs] def get_dual(self): """ Returns 1) eq or ineq if only one is None, 2) a CompositeDualVector if neither is none or 3) None if both are none """ dual = None if self.eq is not None and self.ineq is not None: dual = CompositeDualVector(self.eq, self.ineq) elif self.eq is not None: dual = self.eq elif self.ineq is not None: dual = self.ineq return dual
[docs] def equals_init_guess(self): """ Sets the primal-dual vector to the initial guess, using the initial design. """ self.primal.equals_init_design() if self.eq is not None: self.eq.equals(self.init_dual) if self.ineq is not None: self.ineq.equals(self.init_dual)
[docs] def equals_KKT_conditions(self, x, state, adjoint, obj_scale=1.0, cnstr_scale=1.0): """ Calculates the total derivative of the Lagrangian :math:`\\mathcal{L}(x, u) = f(x, u)+ \\lambda_{h}^T h(x, u) + \\lambda_{g}^T g(x, u)` with respect to :math:`\\begin{pmatrix}x && \\lambda_{h} && \\lambda_{g}\\end{pmatrix}^T`, where :math:`h` denotes the equality constraints (if any) and :math:`g` denotes the inequality constraints (if any). Note that these (total) derivatives do not represent the complete set of first-order optimality conditions in the case of inequality constraints. Parameters ---------- x : PrimalDualVector Evaluate derivatives at this primal-dual point. state : StateVector Evaluate derivatives at this state point. adjoint : StateVector Evaluate derivatives using this adjoint vector. obj_scale : float, optional Scaling for the objective function. cnstr_scale : float, optional Scaling for the constraints. """ assert isinstance(x, PrimalDualVector), \ "PrimalDualVector() >> invalid type x in equals_opt_residual. " + \ "x vector must be a PrimalDualVector!" if x.eq is None or self.eq is None: assert self.eq is None and x.eq is None, \ "PrimalDualVector() >> inconsistency with x.eq and self.eq!" if x.ineq is None or self.ineq is None: assert self.ineq is None and x.ineq is None, \ "PrimalDualVector() >> inconsistency with x.ineq and self.ineq!" # set some aliases design = x.primal dLdx = self.primal ceq = self.eq cineq = self.ineq # first include the objective partial and adjoint contribution dLdx.equals_total_gradient(design, state, adjoint, obj_scale) if x.eq is not None: # subtract the Lagrange multiplier products for equality constraints[:] -= dLdx._memory.solver.multiply_dCEQdX_T(, state.base, * \ cnstr_scale if x.ineq is not None: # subract the Lagrange multiplier products for inequality constraints[:] -= dLdx._memory.solver.multiply_dCINdX_T(, state.base, * \ cnstr_scale # include constraint terms if ceq is not None: ceq.equals_constraints(design, state, cnstr_scale) if cineq is not None: cineq.equals_constraints(design, state ,cnstr_scale)
[docs] def get_optimality_and_feasiblity(self): """ Returns the norm of the primal (opt) the dual parts of the vector (feas). If the dual parts of the vector are both None, then feas is returned as zero. """ opt = self.primal.norm2 feas = 0.0 if self.eq is not None: feas += self.eq.norm2**2 if self.ineq is not None: feas += self.ineq.norm2**2 feas = np.sqrt(feas) return opt, feas
[docs] def equals_homotopy_residual(self, dLdx, x, init, mu=1.0): """ Using dLdx=:math:`\\begin{pmatrix} \\nabla_x L && h && g \\end{pmatrix}`, which can be obtained from the method equals_KKT_conditions, as well as the initial values init=:math:`\\begin{pmatrix} x_0 && h(x_0,u_0) && g(x_0,u_0) \\end{pmatrix}` and the current point x=:math:`\\begin{pmatrix} x && \lambda_h && \lambda_g \end{pmatrix}`, this method computes the following nonlinear vector function: .. math:: r(x,\\lambda_h,\\lambda_g;\\mu) = \\begin{bmatrix} \\mu\\left[\\nabla_x f(x, u) - \\nabla_x h(x, u)^T \\lambda_{h} - \\nabla_x g(x, u)^T \\lambda_{g}\\right] + (1 - \\mu)(x - x_0) \\\\ -\\mu h(x,u) - (1-\mu)\\lambda_h \\\\ -|g(x,u) - (1-\\mu)*g_0 - \\lambda_g|^3 + (g(x,u) - (1-\\mu)g_0)^3 + \\lambda_g^3 - (1-\\mu)\\hat{g} \\end{bmatrix} where :math:`h(x,u)` are the equality constraints, and :math:`g(x,u)` are the inequality constraints. The vectors :math:`\\lambda_h` and :math:`\\lambda_g` are the associated Lagrange multipliers. When mu=1.0, we recover a set of nonlinear algebraic equations equivalent to the first-order optimality conditions. Parameters ---------- dLdx : PrimalDualVector The total derivative of the Lagranginan with respect to the primal and dual variables. x : PrimalDualVector The current solution vector value corresponding to dLdx. init: PrimalDualVector The initial primal variable, as well as the initial constraint values. mu : float Homotopy parameter; must be between 0 and 1. """ assert isinstance(dLdx, PrimalDualVector), \ "PrimalDualVector() >> dLdx must be a PrimalDualVector!" assert isinstance(init, PrimalDualVector), \ "PrimalDualVector() >> init must be a PrimalDualVector!" if dLdx.eq is None or self.eq is None or x.eq is None or init.eq is None: assert dLdx.eq is None and self.eq is None and x.eq is None and init.eq is None, \ "PrimalDualVector() >> inconsistent eq component in self, dLdx, x, and/or init!" if dLdx.ineq is None or self.ineq is None or x.ineq is None or init.ineq is None: assert dLdx.ineq is None and self.ineq is None and x.ineq is None \ and init.ineq is None, \ "PrimalDualVector() >> inconsistent ineq component in self, dLdx, x, and/or init!" if dLdx == self or x == self or init == self: "PrimalDualVector() >> equals_homotopy_residual is not in-place!" # construct the primal part of the residual: mu*dLdx + (1-mu)(x - x_0) self.primal.equals_ax_p_by(1.0, x.primal, -1.0, init.primal) self.primal.equals_ax_p_by(mu, dLdx.primal, (1.0 - mu), self.primal) if dLdx.eq is not None: # include the equality constraint part: -mu*h - (1-mu)*lambda_h self.eq.equals_ax_p_by(-mu, dLdx.eq, -(1.0 - mu), x.eq) #self.eq.equals_ax_p_by(mu, dLdx.eq, -(1.0 - mu), x.eq) if dLdx.ineq is not None: # include the inequality constraint part self.ineq.equals_ax_p_by(1.0, dLdx.ineq, -(1.0 - mu), init.ineq) self.ineq.equals_mangasarian(self.ineq, x.ineq) self.ineq.minus((1.0 - mu)*0.1)
[docs] def equals_predictor_rhs(self, dLdx, x, init, mu=1.0): """ Using dLdx=:math:`\\begin{pmatrix} \\nabla_x L && h && g \\end{pmatrix}`, which can be obtained from the method equals_KKT_conditions, as well as the initial values init=:math:`\\begin{pmatrix} x_0 && h(x_0,u_0) && g(x_0,u_0) \\end{pmatrix}` and the current point x=:math:`\\begin{pmatrix} x && \lambda_h && \lambda_g \end{pmatrix}`, this method computes the right-hand-side for the homotopy-predictor step, that is .. math:: \partial r/\partial \\mu = \\begin{bmatrix} \\left[\\nabla_x f(x, u) - \\nabla_x h(x, u)^T \\lambda_{h} - \\nabla_x g(x, u)^T \\lambda_{g}\\right] - (x - x_0) \\\\ -h(x,u) + \\lambda_h \\\\ -3*(g_0)|g(x,u) - (1-\\mu)*g_0 - \\lambda_g|^2 + 3*g_0*(g(x,u) - (1-\\mu)g_0)^2 + \hat{g} \\end{bmatrix} where :math:`h(x,u)` are the equality constraints, and :math:`g(x,u)` are the inequality constraints. The vectors :math:`\\lambda_h` and :math:`\\lambda_g` are the associated Lagrange multipliers. Parameters ---------- dLdx : PrimalDualVector The total derivative of the Lagranginan with respect to the primal and dual variables. x : PrimalDualVector The current solution vector value corresponding to dLdx. init: PrimalDualVector The initial primal variable, as well as the initial constraint values. mu : float Homotopy parameter; must be between 0 and 1. """ assert isinstance(dLdx, PrimalDualVector), \ "PrimalDualVector() >> dLdx must be a PrimalDualVector!" assert isinstance(init, PrimalDualVector), \ "PrimalDualVector() >> init must be a PrimalDualVector!" if dLdx.eq is None or self.eq is None or x.eq is None or init.eq is None: assert dLdx.eq is None and self.eq is None and x.eq is None and init.eq is None, \ "PrimalDualVector() >> inconsistent eq component in self, dLdx, x, and/or init!" if dLdx.ineq is None or self.ineq is None or x.ineq is None or init.ineq is None: assert dLdx.ineq is None and self.ineq is None and x.ineq is None \ and init.ineq is None, \ "PrimalDualVector() >> inconsistent ineq component in self, dLdx, x, and/or init!" if dLdx == self or x == self or init == self: "PrimalDualVector() >> equals_predictor_rhs is not in-place!" # construct the primal part of the rhs: dLdx - (x - x_0) self.primal.equals_ax_p_by(1.0, dLdx.primal, -1.0, x.primal) if dLdx.eq is not None: # include the equality constraint part: -h + lambda_h self.eq.equals_ax_p_by(-1., dLdx.eq, 1.0, x.eq) #self.eq.equals_ax_p_by(1., dLdx.eq, 1.0, x.eq) if dLdx.ineq is not None: # include the inequality constraint part self.ineq.equals_ax_p_by(1.0, dLdx.ineq, -(1.0 - mu), init.ineq) self.ineq.deriv_mangasarian(self.ineq, x.ineq) self.ineq.times(init.ineq)
[docs] def get_base_data(self, A): """ Inserts the PrimalDualVector's underlying data into the given array Parameters ---------- A : numpy array Array into which data is inserted. """ ptr = 0 A[ptr:ptr+self.primal._memory.ndv] =[:] ptr += self.primal._memory.ndv if self.eq is not None: A[ptr:ptr+self.eq._memory.neq] =[:] ptr += self.eq._memory.neq if self.ineq is not None: A[ptr:ptr+self.ineq._memory.nineq] =[:]
[docs] def set_base_data(self, A): """ Copies the given array into the PrimalDualVector's underlying data Parameters ---------- A : numpy array Array that is copied into the PrimalDualVector. """ ptr = 0[:] = A[ptr:ptr+self.primal._memory.ndv] ptr += self.primal._memory.ndv if self.eq is not None:[:] = A[ptr:ptr+self.eq._memory.neq] ptr += self.eq._memory.neq if self.ineq is not None:[:] = A[ptr:ptr+self.ineq._memory.nineq]
[docs]class ReducedKKTVector(CompositeVector): """ A composite vector representing a combined primal and dual vectors. Parameters ---------- _memory : KonaMemory All-knowing Kona memory manager. _primal : DesignVector or CompositePrimalVector Primal component of the composite vector. _dual : DualVector Dual components of the composite vector. """ init_dual = 0.0 def __init__(self, primal_vec, dual_vec): if isinstance(primal_vec, DesignVector): assert isinstance(dual_vec, DualVectorEQ), \ 'ReducedKKTVector() >> Mismatched dual vector. ' + \ 'Must be DualVectorEQ!' elif isinstance(primal_vec, CompositePrimalVector): assert isinstance(dual_vec, DualVectorINEQ) or \ isinstance(dual_vec, CompositeDualVector), \ 'ReducedKKTVector() >> Mismatched dual vector. ' + \ 'Must be DualVectorINEQ or CompositeDualVector!' else: raise AssertionError( 'ReducedKKTVector() >> Invalid primal vector. ' + 'Must be either DesignVector or CompositePrimalVector!') self.primal = primal_vec self.dual = dual_vec super(ReducedKKTVector, self).__init__( [primal_vec, dual_vec])
[docs] def equals_init_guess(self): """ Sets the KKT vector to the initial guess, using the initial design. """ self.primal.equals_init_design() self.dual.equals(self.init_dual)
[docs] def equals_KKT_conditions(self, x, state, adjoint, barrier=None, obj_scale=1.0, cnstr_scale=1.0): """ Calculates the total derivative of the Lagrangian :math:`\\mathcal{L}(x, u) = f(x, u)+ \\lambda_{eq}^T c_{eq}(x, u) + \\lambda_{ineq}^T (c_{ineq}(x, u) - s)` with respect to :math:`\\begin{pmatrix}x && s && \\lambda_{eq} && \\lambda_{ineq}\\end{pmatrix}^T`. This total derivative represents the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) convergence conditions for the optimization problem defined by :math:`\\mathcal{L}(x, s, \\lambda_{eq}, \\lambda_{ineq})` where the stat variables :math:`u(x)` are treated as implicit functions of the design. The full expression of the KKT conditions are: .. math:: \\nabla \\mathcal{L} = \\begin{bmatrix} \\nabla_x f(x, u) + \\nabla_x c_{eq}(x, u)^T \\lambda_{eq} + \\nabla_x c_{inq}(x, u)^T \\lambda_{ineq} \\\\ \\muS^{-1}e - \\lambda_{ineq} \\\\ c_{eq}(x, u) \\\\ c_{ineq}(x, u) - s \\end{bmatrix} Parameters ---------- x : ReducedKKTVector Evaluate KKT conditions at this primal-dual point. state : StateVector Evaluate KKT conditions at this state point. adjoint : StateVector Evaluate KKT conditions using this adjoint vector. barrier : float, optional Log barrier coefficient for slack variable non-negativity. obj_scale : float, optional Scaling for the objective function. cnstr_scale : float, optional Scaling for the constraints. """ # get the design vector if isinstance(self.primal, CompositePrimalVector): assert isinstance(x.primal, CompositePrimalVector), \ "ReducedKKTVector() >> KKT point must include slack variables!" assert barrier is not None, \ "ReducedKKTVector() >> Barrier factor must be defined!" design = self.primal.barrier = barrier else: assert isinstance(x.primal, DesignVector), \ "ReducedKKTVector() >> KKT point cannot include slacks!" design = x.primal dual = x.dual # evaluate primal component self.primal.equals_lagrangian_total_gradient( x.primal, state, dual, adjoint, obj_scale, cnstr_scale) # evaluate multiplier component self.dual.equals_constraints(design, state, cnstr_scale) if isinstance(self.dual, DualVectorINEQ): self.dual.minus(x.primal.slack) elif isinstance(self.dual, CompositeDualVector): self.dual.ineq.minus(x.primal.slack)
[docs]class CompositeDualVector(CompositeVector): """ A composite vector representing a combined equality and inequality constraints. Parameters ---------- _memory : KonaMemory All-knowing Kona memory manager. eq : DualVectorEQ Equality constraints. ineq : DualVectorINEQ Inequality Constraints """ def __init__(self, dual_eq, dual_ineq): if isinstance(dual_eq, DualVectorEQ): self.eq = dual_eq else: raise TypeError('CompositeDualVector() >> ' + 'Unidentified equality constraint vector.') if isinstance(dual_ineq, DualVectorINEQ): self.ineq = dual_ineq else: raise TypeError('CompositeDualVector() >> ' + 'Unidentified inequality constraint vector.') super(CompositeDualVector, self).__init__([dual_eq, dual_ineq])
[docs] def restrict_to_regular(self): self.eq.restrict_to_regular()
[docs] def restrict_to_idf(self): self.eq.restrict_to_idf() self.ineq.equals(0.0)
[docs] def convert_to_design(self, primal_vector): self.eq.convert_to_design(primal_vector)
[docs] def equals_constraints(self, at_primal, at_state, scale=1.0): """ Evaluate equality and inequality constraints in-place. Parameters ---------- at_primal : DesignVector or CompositePrimalVector Primal evaluation point. at_state : StateVector State evaluation point. scale : float, optional Scaling for the constraints. """ self.eq.equals_constraints(at_primal, at_state, scale) self.ineq.equals_constraints(at_primal, at_state, scale)
[docs]class CompositePrimalVector(CompositeVector): """ A composite vector representing a combined design and slack vectors.. Parameters ---------- _memory : KonaMemory All-knowing Kona memory manager. design : DesignVector Design component of the composite vector. slack : DualVectorINEQ Slack components of the composite vector. """ init_slack = 1.0 def __init__(self, primal_vec, dual_ineq): if isinstance(primal_vec, DesignVector): = primal_vec else: raise TypeError('CompositePrimalVector() >> ' + 'Unidentified primal vector.') if isinstance(dual_ineq, DualVectorINEQ): self.slack = dual_ineq else: raise TypeError('CompositePrimalVector() >> ' + 'Unidentified dual vector.') super(CompositePrimalVector, self).__init__([primal_vec, dual_ineq]) self.barrier = None
[docs] def restrict_to_design(self):
[docs] def restrict_to_target(self): self.slack.equals(0.0)
[docs] def convert_to_dual(self, dual_vector):
[docs] def equals_init_design(self): self.slack.equals(self.init_slack)
[docs] def equals_lagrangian_total_gradient( self, at_primal, at_state, at_dual, at_adjoint, obj_scale=1.0, cnstr_scale=1.0): """ Computes the total primal derivative of the Lagrangian. In this case, the primal derivative includes the slack derivative. .. math:: \\nabla_{primal} \\mathcal{L} = \\begin{bmatrix} \\nabla_x f(x, u) + \\nabla_x c_{eq}(x, u)^T \\lambda_{eq} + \\nabla_x c_{inq}(x, u)^T \\lambda_{ineq} \\\\ \\muS^{-1}e - \\lambda_{ineq} \\end{bmatrix} Parameters ---------- at_primal : CompositePrimalVector The design/slack vector at which the derivative is computed. at_state : StateVector State variables at which the derivative is computed. at_dual : DualVector Lagrange multipliers at which the derivative is computed. at_adjoint : StateVector Pre-computed adjoint variables for the Lagrangian. obj_scale : float, optional Scaling for the objective function. cnstr_scale : float, optional Scaling for the constraints. """ # make sure the barrier factor is set assert self.barrier is not None, \ "CompositePrimalVector() >> Barrier factor must be set!" # do some aliasing at_slack = at_primal.slack if isinstance(at_dual, CompositeDualVector): at_dual_ineq = at_dual.ineq else: at_dual_ineq = at_dual # compute the design derivative of the lagrangian at_primal, at_state, at_dual, at_adjoint, obj_scale, cnstr_scale) # compute the slack derivative of the lagrangian self.slack.equals(at_slack) self.slack.pow(-1.) self.slack.times(self.barrier) self.slack.minus(at_dual_ineq) # reset the barrier to None self.barrier = None
# package imports at the bottom to prevent import errors import numpy as np from kona.linalg.memory import KonaMemory from kona.linalg.vectors.common import DesignVector, DualVectorEQ, DualVectorINEQ